Tree Removal
There are times when trees will need to be removed completely, this can be for a number of reasons. In the interests of conservation a diseased tree may have to be removed to ensure neighbouring trees do not also become infected. Other reasons to remove a tree will include safety (to people and property) i.e. if a tree is in a state of decay or in a weakened condition, if the tree is in an unsuitable location, or affecting planning applications and construction projects.

Trees in confined spaces can be removed by dismantling, where sections are cut and lowered piece by piece. This is done by climbing arborists using a number of rigging techniques to lower the branches in a safe and controlled manner to the ground. This method can be used to remove trees of all sizes, nothing is ever to big.
Trees can be felled when there is a sufficient amount of space and the trees form allows for this to be carried out safely. A tree may be felled in the traditional forestry sense of the term, by cutting the tree at the base using practiced methods to ensure a safe, controlled and calculated fell.
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Jacob Keys
BSc Arb. N.D. Arb.
T : 0434 520 117
E :